发布时间:Dec 18, 2009     浏览次数:6110     【打印此页】  【关闭窗口】

It is obvious that high quality audit service plays an important role in reducing enterprise’s agency cost and improving the allocation efficiency of capital market. The audit industry has been always operated on the basis of market mechanism. From the angle of industrial organization theory, audit market structure has a significant effect on the audit service which is the outcome of CPA firms’ supply behavior. The meaning of researching market structure lies in that it will become possible to link the possibility of competitive behavior with the measurable market structure (Stigler, 1968). Therefore, the purpose of research audit market structure is to explore competitive status and audit quality in nature.
In the west academic world, the research of audit market structure has a long history. For these problems, initial research measured big firms’ market share with CRn. Subsequently it gradually expanded to seeking about the stability of big firms’ relative market share, probing into the advantage of scale economy, audit pricing, reputation mechanism, industry expertise, and so on. However, it is a comparative new field in china .On the other hand, there is a big difference between west audit market and Chinese audit market. The west audit market is dominated by super big firms, but the Chinese audit market is always spread around and has no big firms. One of the reasons is that the development time of Chinese audit market is not very long and the other may be the background of transition economy. For the above reasons, the discussion of Chinese audit market structure becomes an important research topic, which is exactly the original intention of this paper.
This paper focuses on the audit market structure and takes it as the core of researches. It aims at discussing the influence factors and validity criterion of audit market structure, seeking about Chinese audit market structure, and putting forward some proposals of improving Chinese audit market structure. According to this route, this paper consists of 8 chapters. Chapter 1 accounts for the reasons of writing this paper, defines the key concepts and scope and reviews the domestic and foreign research literature. Chapter 2 analyses the particularity of audit market and establishes the base of research. Chapter 3 discusses the factors of influencing the audit market structure, and analyses the validity criterion of audit market structure from four basic aspects. These aspects are scale economy, concentration, entry barrier and product differentiation. Chapter 4, 5, 6, 7 respectively makes a further theoretical analysis according to the above four aspects and performs empirical analysis of Chinese audit market structure. Chapter 8 puts forward some proposals.
Through the above research, this paper obtains the following main results:
1. The factors of influencing the audit market structure include four levels: industry policy, exterior system of audit market, interior surroundings of audit market and factors of CPA firms.
2. The validity criterion of audit market structure can be discussed from four aspects: scale economy, concentration, entry barrier and product differentiation. The effective structure of audit market should be a contestable monopoly equilibrium structure. It is necessary that there should be some big firms in the market whose concentration should be high, and there exist some differences among the audit products but no man-made entry barrier.
3The empirical research on Chinese audit market shows: (1)“big 4” shows obvious effects of scale economy in the large market segment, but native firms show scale diseconomy. (2) The track of concentration is a curve of U. The concentration declines year by year before 2000; the concentration increases rapidly after 2000, but it is still under the lever of mature audit market. (3)The market is divided up bar and block, the main factors that hampers the flow of firms are regulation barrier and regional barrier, but regional barrier is being broken gradually. (4)“big 4” has reputation of high quality, but native firms has no reputation. We fail to find out the evidence of industrial expertise of both “big 4” and native firms.In a word, there is a great gap between the Chinese audit market structure and the effective audit market structure. It just reflects the confusion of competition and lowness of efficiency in Chinese audit market.
Compared with existing audit research literature, the paper performs a systematic analysis of the elements of audit market from the angle of industrial organization, and makes an empirical research on the Chinese audit market. It is exactly a different research angle that not only contributes to supplementing the current understanding of audit market, but also endows the paper with academic innovations. The innovations include:
1. The research incorporates the problems of audit market into a uniform framework of market structure and discusses the inherent relationship of these problems. These research fields may be not new, but this systematic analysis can make up the deficiency of current researches.
2. The research of industrial organization mostly focuses on the market of product. But audit industry is a unique service market and owns such characteristics as information asymmetry, indirect engage model, audit paradox, opinion shopping, lowballing and restricting marketing. Because of these unique characteristics of audit market, this research not only uses the theory of industrial organization for reference, but also contributes to the research of industrial organization.
Key words:audit market structure, scale economy, concentration, entry barrier, product differentiation


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