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Call for Papers, The First International Conference of the Journal of International Accounting Research
发布时间:Nov 10, 2010     浏览次数:7673     【打印此页】  【关闭窗口】


CALL FOR PAPERS The First International Conference of Journal of International Accounting Research June 15 - June 18, 2011, Xiamen, China Submission Deadline: February 15, 2011 (early submission is encouraged)
Theme: IFRS Convergence and Adoption: Challenges and Opportunities
This conference is organized to identify and examine challenges and opportunities arising from the adoption and implementation of IFRS for practitioners and academicians. Its ultimate goal is to deepen understanding and raise awareness of these challenges and opportunities through the sharing of original and rigorous research work that will provide practitioners and regulators with deeper insights.
We consider papers addressing any international accounting questions and we encourage diversity, variety and innovation with respect to research methods and theoretical perspectives. 
We particularly welcome papers that address issues such as the following:
1.The comparability of financial reports across capital markets before and after the adoption of IFRS
2.Impact of the adoption and implementation of IFRS on capital market efficiency
3.IFRS and information asymmetry between managers and outside investors and among outside investors
4.Role played by IFRS in the current global financial crisis
5.Philosophical differences between IFRS and US GAAP and their implications
6.Issues unique to the adoption and implementation of IFRS in developing countries (such as China/India)
7.The role of auditing firms in the conversion to and implementation of IFRS
8.Factors that facilitate or impede the adoption and implementation of IFRS
9.Involvement of national regulators in the conversion to and implementation of IFRS
Papers can be submitted for consideration in one of two tracks:
Plenary Session submissions or Concurrent Session submissions. Although IFRS convergence and adoption is the theme of the conference, papers addressing related topics will be considered for inclusion in the conference.

Plenary Session Submission:
Accepted Plenary Session papers will be published in the Journal of International Accounting Research (conditional on satisfactory responses to reviewers' and discussant's comments). Additionally, the conference will waive the registration fee and pay for airfare (up to $1,400 US) and three nights' stay in the conference hotel for one presenter. Please follow the Regular Submission Procedure for JIAR.
Concurrent Session Submission:
Papers submitted to the Concurrent Session will be considered for presentation at the conference but not for publication in the Journal of International Accounting Research. Please submit three files: the cover page and the remaining of your manuscript (PDF files), full paper (Words file) to IAS.JIAR2011@gmail.com.
Program Organizer: American Accounting Association International Accounting Section
Local Organizer and Financial Sponsor: Xiamen University (Center for Accounting Studies, Institute for Financial and Accounting Studies and Department of Accounting)
Affiliated Association Sponsor: China Accounting Society
For questions and suggestions, please email to IAS.JIAR2011@gmail.com or contact any of the planning committee members: C.S. Agnes Cheng and Xiaohui Qu (co-chair), Ervin Black, Greg Burton, Carol Ann Frost and Stephen Lin.


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