发布时间:Dec 8, 2009     浏览次数:7880     【打印此页】  【关闭窗口】


本文的主要贡献包括:(1)本文的研究结果首次表明,李树华(2000)所发现的“审计独立性的提高与审计市场的背离”现象在我国IPO市场中已经终止并发生逆转;(2)本文延续了李树华(2000)的研究,在一段较长的时期内(1998—2004)对我国IPO审计市场中与审计质量相关的问题进行了考察,从而填补了1997—2000期间关于上述问题的研究空白;(3)本文首次在一段较长的时期内,对审计质量的需求和供给问题进行了较为详细的分析和考察。从而能够回答这样的问题:(a)在我国,新兴的高质量审计需求出现的动因来自哪里,包括哪些,大约在何时出现;(b)我国会计事务所的审计质量差异化大约在什么时候开始显现,市场又是如何感知的;(4)本文以我国IPO市场为研究背景,系统考察了高质量审计的信息需求和监督需求假说。尤其是对IPO过程中信息需求的考察,本文的研究发现,在控制市盈率定价阶段,IPO公司的事先风险越低越有可能选择高质量审计师。这一研究结果在国内研究中尚属首次;(5)本文对IPO市场审计定价问题的考察丰富了目前国内关于审计定价问题的研究成果。(6)在研究方法上,与国内外大多数同类研究相比,本文作了三点改进:一是,在度量IPO公司事先风险时,由于多数研究所使用替代变量并不一致,本文在对已有度量方法进行总结的基础上,采用主成分分析法缩减变量个数,并以第一主成分作为IPO公司事先风险的替代变量;二是,在度量盈余管理时,本文同时采用了三种方法,从而使得研究结果更为可靠;三是,本文根据Kim et al.(2003)以及Chaney et al.(2004)研究中所采用的两阶段方法,对研究中可能存在的自选择偏误问题进行了控制。

According to the basic characters of China’s transitional economies and emerging market, during the transition from planning economy to market economy, the absence of institution and hence the rapid evolution of institution are common phenomena. From this viewpoint, economy transition can be described as a process of institutional change. Since the security market’s development in China rooted deeply in the gross background of economy transition and emerging market, which in its development process must be accompanied by more rapidly institutional change. Obviously, when analyzing the demand and supply issues of audit quality relating to security auditing market in China, we should take the former background as starting point.
Based on the IPO market in 1998—2004this dissertation extends Li Shu-hua 2000’s research. In this articletaking the marketization evolution of China’s  IPO pricing system as entry point, we empirically examine the issues about the auditor choice and change of audit market structure, the audit quality differentiation among audit firms, and economic consequence of audit quality. The results show that, first of all, with the improvement of marketization level of China’s IPO pricing system, after year 2000, the Li2000’s finding of “improved auditor independence and the flight from audit quality” has come to an end and reversed, the large audit firms’Big 10shares in IPO market increase steadily. The main cause lies in that, during the rapid evolution of China’s security market, the emerging spontaneous demand for high quality audit gradually appeared after year 2000 , and eventually promoted the market shares of large audit firms in IPO market. Second, the spontaneous market demand for high quality audit further promotes the audit firm's audit quality differentiation. The differentiation of audit quality distinguished by the size of audit firms emerged after year 2000,  but still not clear. Nevertheless, the study results after year 2002 show that, the audit quality of large audit firmsBig 10 is systematically higher than that of other audit firms. Finally, this dissertation finds that, after year 2002, audit quality has distinct economic consequence, and the IPO companies which audited by high quality auditors Big 10 have the lower underpricing level significantly. In addition, the finding about IPO audit pricing also shows that, the high quality auditor do command significant higher fees as “quality or reputation premium”.
The main academic contributions of this dissertation are presented as follows: 1 through theoretical analysis and empirical examination, we firstly find that the Li 2000’s finding of “improved auditor independence and the flight from audit quality” has come to an end and reversed in China’s IPO market;2 This dissertation extended Li2000’s research, investigates the issues relating to audit quality in China’s IPO audit market in a long period 1998-2004, thereby fills the research gaps on the above issues in 1997-2000 ;3This dissertation firstly detailedly analyses and examines the audit quality’ demand and supply issues of security market in a long period. Thus we are able to answer the following questions: a In China, why and when merging high audit quality demand appeared, what does it include;b When the audit quality differentiation among accounting firms emerged, and how does the market perceive it. 4 Based on the background about China’s IPO market, this dissertation systematically investigates the information hypothesis and monitoring hypothesis of audit quality.In particular, after year 2002, we find that, the lower ex ante risk of IPO company, the higher possibility to choose high quality auditor, which support information hypothesis. This result is firstly observed in China. 5 The research on audit pricing in IPO market enriches the current domestic literatures on audit pricing issues. 6Comparing with similar studies at home and abroad, this dissertation improves the research method in three aspects: First, because the majority of researches used different variables to measure IPO ex ante risk, this dissertation applies Principle Component Analysis to reduce the number of the variables, and use the first principle component to measure IPO ex ante risk. Second, to ensure the reliability of results, we apply three methods to measure earnings management simultaneity. Third, we apply the two-stage method used by Kim et al.2003 and Chaney et al.2004 to control potential auditor self-selection bias .
Key words: institutional change; audit quality; IPO pricing system; market demand



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