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中国会计学会会计史专业委员会 会计思想史讨论会征文启事
发布时间:Aug 23, 2019     浏览次数:4813     【打印此页】  【关闭窗口】





Call for Submissions

A workshop on Accounting Thoughts History will be held at November 15, 2019 (Friday), in Nanjing University.

This workshop is organized jointly by the Accounting History Section of Chinese Accounting Society and Accounting Department of Nanjing University. Since the publication of <A History of Accounting Thought >by Chatfield. Michael in 1974, the economic environment has changed radically and so did accounting. But this field has long been neglected by academics. In this conference, we bring together both experts in history and accounting to discuss the research methods and future development of this important field. Submissions of papers on any accounting thoughts and accounting history are welcome. The paper could be in English or in Chinese. The workshop is in Chinesebut translation service is provided. The submission deadline for the workshop is the 15, October, 2019. Submission to the workshop should be emailed to: nju_accounting@163.com. Please specify “Submission to Accounting Thought History Workshop” as the subject heading of the submission email. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by 25, October, 2019.

       Participants are welcome to attend the workshop even if they are not presenting papers, but are required to register by emailing their name, title, and affiliation to nju_accounting@163.com by 31st October, 2019: The workshop is free. But the workshop does not cover the travel and accommodation expenses of participants.


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